“Pernille wants to defeat students’ stressful culture and strengthen their wellbeing” reads the headline of an article in CBS Wire, where journalist Anne M. Lykkegaard talks to Assistant Professor Pernille Steen Pedersen about her new strategic initiative at CBS: “Stress Prevention and Well-being among students at CBS”, which was launched 1 February 2021. In the interview Pernille Steen Pedersen explains some of her motivations behind initiating the project: “The students are the future. They are the future leaders, lawyers and consultants. So, what if we could equip them with the tools and capabilities needed for dealing with stress with the community in focus before they leave CBS? CBS is my workplace, and I know how important it is for students to thrive, so I see it as my obligation to share my knowledge with CBS.” Read the full article here.

Photo by: Lisbeth Holten