Here is the list of Pernille Steen Pedersen’s latest dissemination activities.
“Pernille wants to defeat students’ stressful culture and strengthen their wellbeing”, CBS Wire, 05.02.2021.
“Studerendes stress stiger. Pernilles forskning skal hjælpe dem”, Djøfbladet, 09.02.2021.
“Stærke arbejdsfællesskaber også efter corona – reboarding i praksis“, Dansk Magisterforening, 17.05.21.
“Forsker: Flere studerende bruger angstmedicin – jeg har spurgt dem hvorfor”, Kronik, Berlingske Tidende, 19.06.21.
“Forskere til pressede studerende: Man skal vide, at det er normalt at være usikker“, Forskerzonen, Videnskab.dk, 28.09.21.
“Stress og skam hænger tæt sammen – forstå hvorfor“, Forskerzonen, videnskab.dk, 7.10.21.
“Ud af skammekrogen“, CBS podcast, Teaching and Learning, edited by Emil Nørgaard Munk with guests Pernille Steen Pedersen, CBS and Troels Krarup, Københavns Universitet, 12.11.2020.
“Does your inner judge accompany you to work?“, dialogue between Nikolaj Malchow-Møller and Pernille Steen Pedersen, 11.03.2021.
“En virksomheds perspektiv“, with Morten Gustavsen, Managing Director of Roxtec, in dialogue with Pernille Steen Pedersen about what companies look for in new graduates and addressing the myth about the ideal student, 12.07.21.
“Hvorfor faen snakker vi ikke om det?“, three students, Anders, Amalie and Ida, in dialogue with Pernille Steen Pedersen about insecurities in study life, 12.08.21.
“CBS-Webinar about stress“, Pernille Steen Pedersen, 16.03.2021.
“Stress and well-being – the ambition“, Pernille Steen Pedersen introducing the research project, 27.05.21.
“Du er ikke alene med tvivlen” conversation between Sarah Marcussen, HA.(phil.) student, and Pernille Steen Pedersen on the doubts in the choice of study program and changing direction, 4.07.21.
Presentations & workshops at CBS
- At seminar for the philosophy group, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, 28.01.2021.
- For the study board of Cand. Soc. PKL (Political Communication and Management), 28.01.2021.
- “A new perspective on stress and well-being”, for CBS Well-being Ambassadors, 16.03.2021.
- ”Tilbagevenden til stærke arbejdsfællesskaber”, for educational administrative staff at CBS, 22.06.2021.
- Presentation of research results for Student Affairs, 20.08.21
- Well-being workshop for new Cand.Soc. students, 28.08.21
- Well-being workshop for HA.(jur) students, 23.09.21
- Panel member at CBS conference “Learning for the future – seminar on experiences from three semesters of lock-down”, 10.09.21