Karriereklubben at the Wellbeing Conference
October 2024
Rachel Ellebye
at the Wellbeing Conference
“Should I tell about my social anxiety in a job interview?” is one of three dilemmas posed during Karriereklubben’s live debate session at the first annual CBS Wellbeing Conference. The panel, consisting of the host, Caroline Rossmeisl, André Thormann, Benjamin Anker, and Cecilie Louise Svane Olesen, presented three different dilemmas, related to the topics on wellbeing, student life, and the transition from student life to work life. This panel debate was also recorded and is available on Podimo and Spotify. The podcasts are usually done in Danish, however, for the conference it was conducted in English.
The first dilemma was submitted by Louise, who recently graduated from her master’s degree at CBS. Her dilemma focuses on an upcoming job interview, and whether she should address her social anxiety during the job interview, out of fear that she might not land the job if she addresses it during the interview. She mentions that she has been struggling throughout her time as a student with her anxiety, especially in the case of group work, and presentations. Her fear is to become a ‘victim’ at her future workplace.
Benjamin finds the dilemma to be interesting and highlights the connection between being introverted and struggling with social anxiety at the same time. He recommends avoiding saying it as the first thing, as some people consider it as a label, as well as to seek a safe space in a new work environment, such as through a co-worker.

Overall, it is highlighted that it can be important and relevant to address the question on social anxiety, such as through the question on weaknesses. Cecilie mentions that she asks potential employees about their weaknesses during job interviews. The panel agrees that it is necessary for Louise to address her social anxiety, just not as the first thing during her job interview.
Moving on to the second dilemma, submitted by Rikke. She is concerned if everything will fall apart for her, if she fails to do well at her student job. At the same time, she feels frustrated about that her co-workers seem to be slacking, while she does all the hard work. It can be determined that Rikke might be a bit of a perfectionist, and she is scared to take a break, out of fear that everything will fall apart.
Benjamin mentions that Rikke should try to put her situation into the point of view from her co-workers; maybe they have a feeling that she is an over-achiever, because she wants to take on more tasks, in comparison to her co-workers. The panel also discuss the question about failure and the fear of it, as well figuring out when enough is enough, and when to set boundaries. In addition, they also applaud Rikke for taking her job seriously, and they say she should remember to give herself credit for being hardworking.
Finally, the last dilemma of the day comes from Mia. She is torn about whether to focus on her student life or getting a student job. She is trying to figure out a balance between working hard to get into the master’s she wants to, or to gain experience by working a student job besides her studies. Caroline mentions that it is not an uncommon dilemma in Karriereklubben, thus Mia not being alone with her dilemma.
The panel can all relate to finding the balance between working and studying at the same time. André highlights that the issue is “not black and white”, and that it is possible to be ambitious about both working and studying. Similarly to the other dilemmas, it is highlighted by the panel that Mia should seek a “safe space” in her workplace, to prioritize her wellbeing. Even though both can be very important, it is even more important to find the right balance between working and studying.
Overall, the three dilemmas brought out inspiring thoughts on wellbeing, as well as the transition from student life to work life. The topics about anxiety, fear of failure, as well as trying to find the balance between working and studying are all highly relevant, and the discussions can help inspiring others who might be dealing with similar issues. Another reoccurring theme is the one on finding a “safe space” at the workplace. This applies to all three dilemmas.
If you have a dilemma you want to submit to Karriereklubben, you can reach out to them through Instagram, LinkedIn or karriereklubben@gmail.com.
// Rachel Ellebye