A podcast from CBS well-being lab
En virksomheds perspektiv
Myten om den ideelle studerende
A podcast dialogue between Morten Gustavsen, Managing Director at Roxtec & and Pernille Steen Pedersen, Assistant Professor at CBS.
In this podcast Pernille Steen Pedersen speaks to the Managing Director of Roxtec, Morten Gustavsen, on his reflections about new graduates, what his company is looking for in their employees, and the skills that he considers most important for the modern work life. Together they address some of the myth around the ideal student, which also concerns ideas about what companies expect from students as new graduates.
Length: 26:36 minutes
Language: Danish
Key words: What companies look for in new graduates, Vulnerability, Career paths, Doubts about study or work life, Not thinking too far ahead in the future, Grades vs other skills, Human qualities and skills, Personal leadership, Daring to speak up, Social competencies.