A podcast from CBS well-being lab
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Usikkerheder og udfordringer i studielivet
Pernille Steen Pedersen talks to three CBS students Anders, Amalie and Ida about about insecurity in their study life.
In this podcast the myth of “the ideal student” is challenged. Anders, Amalie and Ida share about their personal insecurities and challenges as students and Pernille draws on her research to explain how normal these feelings are. The students are giving voice to feelings and experiences that they are not alone in dealing with. They are discussing how “everyone is having some kind of battle inside” and the relief of speaking about it, normalizing and acknowledging that different kinds of insecurities are part of study life.
Length: 45:51 minutes
Language: Danish
Key words: The myth of the ideal student, stress, well-being, new ways to work with well-being, study challenges, insecurities, silence culture, normalizing difficult emotions, courage to share difficulties with others, doubts about career and future.