A podcast from CBS well-being lab
Kunsten at træde i karakter som menneske
Klædt på til arbejdslivet 1 – Nykredit
A podcast dialogue between Carsten Heger, former Customer Director in Nykredit and current Privat Banking Director in Danske Bank, and Pernille Steen Pedersen, stress researcher and Assistant Professor at CBS.
What skills do companies emphasize when hiring new graduates”? This question is addressed in the podcast series “The art of stepping into character as a person – getting equipped for work life.” Across three episodes Pernille Steen Pedersen talks to three company leaders about their expectations for new candidates and which kind of skills they look for. Questions from students form the framework of the conversation, and the hope is to dispel myths and create greater transparency regarding how students can use their skills later in working life.
In this episode Carsten Heger, who is Customer Director in Nykredit, shares about what he looks for when hiring new graduates. “Grades are absolutely not the only way ahead in life – it says nothing about who you are as a person” he states and explains that to him, he is more interested in a graduate’s story, to know why they are as people, and to feel that they are excited and curious about working in his organization. He has a personal mantra that goes “if you don’t do anything, then you also don’t make mistakes” but then, you also don’t learn, grow, and develop your human and professional skills. In other words, making mistakes and trying some different things out in life, he perceives as a plus, for example when looking at someone’s CV. He emphasizes that it doesn’t all have to be study-related, it can also be experiences as a football coach, traveling the world, working for an NGO and the like, which is incredible valuable experiences that adds to the persons experiences and development as a human – which also will benefit their future employees. His message is clear – try out things, don’t be afraid to take breaks or walk down some different paths, and don’t see this as “holes in the CV” but use the CV to elaborate on the choices taken and lessons learned.
Pernille has asked Carsten to pick 3 of the Nordic Nine capabilities that he finds particularly important for graduates to manage in his work and organization, and he chose: taking responsibility and being compassionate in society, understanding ethical dilemmas and having the courage to address them, and being critical when thinking and constructive when collaborating. Hear him elaborate why he believes these skills are some of the most important in today’s work market.
Length: 25:28 minuets
Language: Danish
Key words: What is important in new graduates, The first job, Transition from student to employee, What is a good CV, The value of life experience, Human skills, Show who you are, Mistakes are welcome.