The question of how the people – staff, teachers, students etc. – who makes up the study environment together can address the culture that produces such strong experience of anxiety around exams and collectively create a shift in the culture, that is the central focus point of Pedersen’s current research project. “Safe study communities to prevent exam anxiety” was the original title Pedersen gave the chronicle (in danish: ”Trygge studiefællesskaber til at forebygge eksamensangst”), the newspaper renamed it “Researcher: more students are taking anxiety medicine – I have asked them why”.
The reason for Pedersen’s original title is found in her research. Through her work Pedersen has seen across many different organizations and situations that stress can not solely be understood or handled by looking at the individual. Rather, she has found that there are ways to address the practices and culture in an organization that enables these situations that potentially can trigger stress for many people. Pedersen’s current research project “stress and well-being among students at CBS” is financed by CBS as a project that aims to contribute to strategy implementation and aligned with the new strategic visions at CBS. In the chronicle Pedersen shares how the project and CBS as an educational institution seek to focus on creating collective solutions to problems with anxiety and stress. “We need to stand together as an educational institution and think in terms of safety-invoking activities as an essential part of the work with well-being among students,” she writes. Read the article in Berlingske Tidende (in danish) here.